Workbook for The MTs Guide to MS Word

The Workbook is perfect for medical transcription training programs. The Workbook is designed to accompany The Medical Transcriptionist's Guide to Microsoft Word, 3rd Edition.  Even if you have completed a transcription program, or are already a practicing transcriptionist, the Workbook is the perfect way to systematically learn MS Word for transcription.

The Workbook includes ten lessons, all designed to build skills necessary for efficient and accurate medical transcription. Also included are skills for using Windows and safeguarding data in case of a computer shutdown or hard drive crash. The workbook focuses on keyboarding skills instead of the mouse for maximum efficiency. Overall, the curriculum is designed to show the student of MS Word how to apply the many techniques available in MS Word to their daily routine to reach maximum productivity.


"I think this book would be extremely valuable in a medical transcription course. The tools in this book definitely helped me to increase my income. Having used this book, I feel the biggest advantage of the material presented is that it is presented by someone experienced in medical transcription and for medical transcriptionists." Debra J. Randolph - 7/14/2004


Each lesson includes an introductory paragraph, a reading assignment from The Medical Transcriptionist's Guide to Microsoft Word, 3rd Edition, a list of learning objectives, sample videos from the MT's Guide Tutorial CD, review questions, and hands-on exercises. The Workbook provides ample space for answering the review questions, and the answer key is available in the back of the Workbook.

Lesson 1  Windows Elements and Shortcut Keys


    1. Identify common Windows Elements
    2. Understand keyboarding concepts
    3. Use Universal shortcut keys
    4. Use the Logo Key

Lesson 2 Mouse Techniques and Shortcut Icons


    1. Use various mouse techniques
    2. Use right-click menus
    3. Create and use shortcut icons

Lesson 3 Files, Folders, and Security


    1. Recognize common file extensions
    2. Use folders
    3. Use Windows Explorer
    4. Use the Save As and Open dialogue boxes
    5. Use Windows Search
    6. Safeguard data and files

Lesson 4 The Word Interface


    1. Identify Elements in a Word window
    2. Recognize document views
    3. Identify main features and tools in Word
    4. Adjust settings and options

Lesson 5 Formatting


    1. Define formatting marks
    2. Understand the role of the insertion point
    3. Apply formatting commands
    4. Interpret formatting information in a graphical interface
    5. Set defaults
    6. Format common paragraph types used intranscription
    7. Troubleshoot formatting problems 8. Format headers and footers
    9. Manage automatically numbered lists
    10. Use tables

Lesson 6  Templates and Fields


    1. Understand the role of and template files
    2. Create and use document templates
    3. Modify a document template
    4. Use the organizer to manage templates
    5. Use empty fields as markers
    6. Use common fields

Lesson 7  Increasing Productivity with AutoText, AutoCorrect and Macros


    1. Use AutoText
    2. Use AutoCorrect
    3. Use the Macro Recorder
    4. Backup, copy, and restore productivity data
    5. Troubleshoot common problems in AutoText and AutoCorrect
    6. Identify key differences between AutoText, AutoCorrect, and Macros

Lesson 8  Editing


    1. Use shortcut keys to move around in a document
    2. Use the Spelling and Grammar checker
    3. Edit the Custom dictionary
    4. Adjust Grammar and Language
    5. Edit text using shortcut keys
    6.Use Word tools: Find, Replace, Copy, Extend, Spike
    7. Research information using electronic references

Lesson 9  Customizing Word


    1. Customize toolbars
    2. Customize Menus
    3. Customize shortcut keys

Lesson 10 Problem Solving

Solve typical problems encountered by transcriptionists using MS Word.

For information about incorporating the MTs Guide to MS Word and the Workbook into your curriculum, contact Laura

Workbook $24.95

MT's Guide to MS Word and Workbook bundle $67.95

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Check Out Laura's Newest Book!

MS Word for Healthcare Documentation: A Guide for Transcriptionists, Editors and Health Information Specialists
Laura Bryan, MT (ASCP), CMT

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She is terrific - really knows her stuff. There's so much to learn about just using Word properly and more efficiently, let alone all the other shortcuts and bits about computers overall! It's very informative.
...Suzie Ellis